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Encuestas archivos - Blanco Consultoría Política



Encuesta Mujeres 2021 Mercedes

La violencia de género es una problemática que ha tomado mucha visibilizarían en los últimos años, pero una de las complicaciones adicionales que tiene es la falta de datos. Hay que tener en cuenta que la mayoría de los hechos que componen la violencia de género no se denuncian.

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Coronavirus Survey Mercedes December 2020

The objective of the work is not only to know what the current perception of the pandemic is, but also to establish a comparison with the results of the same survey carried out in March, the beginning of the quarantine.

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Survey of Mayors Spain 2020

During the month of February of the year 2020, an opinion poll was conducted to the mayors of towns with less than six thousand inhabitants of Spain.

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Main concerns in Pergamino – March 2019

In the month of March a probing was performed by a telephone survey in Pergamino city, Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the purpose of identify which of the services given by the municipality require to be improved.

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Survey to Mayor and President in Mercedes

Previous to the General Elections on October, 25, they show a clear polarization between “Frente Mercedino para la Victoria” and “Cambiemos”, leaving the “Frente Renovador” and “Frente de Izquierda” out of competition for intent .

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