What is a management rating agency?
It is a tool that, through data analysis, seeks to systematize the information from different areas of public administration and produce general management indices that allow evaluating the comprehensive performance of public policies implemented by a given government.
Why is it necessary to qualify a management?
Every time the debate is opened on how good or bad a government administration has been, each part of the discussion uses data that argue its position, either against or in favor. What we seek with this work is not to end the debate, but to generate certainty in the midst of so much opinion.
What is the objective of the management rating agency?
The objective is to provide clarity to citizens regarding how their city is being administered. The lack of clarity, either due to a lack of public data or due to their excess, creates a difficulty for public opinion to understand what is happening in their locality.
How is management rated?
We have developed an index that makes it possible to evaluate each management in a comprehensive way and thus arrive at a single indicator that quantifies how the result of the government's management was. To achieve this, we have surveyed the different variables that are under the orbit of public administration and analyzed their temporal evolution. Each item is compared with its value from the previous year, measuring the difference in percentage, to know not only if it improved or worsened but also in what proportion. All these variables were grouped into six areas: health, education, security, economy, environment and infrastructure. Then a general management index is prepared that quantifies the percentage of variables that showed a positive, negative evolution or that do not register differences with respect to the previous period. In this way, it is possible to have a concrete result about the general performance of a government, being able to later delve into the details of each area and its variables.
It should be noted that all the information has been obtained from official sources. At the end of the document, the methodology and information sources of each variable are detailed.
Ciudad de Valencia 2018
Con sus 794.288 habitantes, Valencia es la tercera ciudad más poblada de España. Cuenta con el tercer presupuesto anual por ciudad con más de ochocientos cuarenta y nueve mil doscientos veinte millones de euros.
En el siguiente gráfico se muestra la evolución de la gestión en la ciudad de Valencia desde el año 2011 al 2018. La metodología utilizada para poder elaborar el gráfico fue tomar el cien por ciento de las variables analizadas y desagregar qué porcentaje mejoró con respecto al año anterior, cuáles se mantuvieron iguales y las que empeoraron. Por lo que cada año sólo es comparable con su anterior.
Percentage of data on the total surveyed
The following graph shows the evolution of the capacity of each City Council to collect data. The range is from 0 to 100, where 100 represents all the data that each administration should have in order to carry out diagnoses, plan public policies and measure their impact.
Town Councils ranking by data survey
Posición de Valencia en el comparativo de las oficinas de datos de las 15 ciudades más pobladas de España.
2018 1º Mejor oficina de datos
2017 1º Mejor oficina de datos
2016 2º Mejor oficina de datos
2015 1º Mejor oficina de datos
2014 2º Mejor oficina de datos
2013 3º Mejor oficina de datos
2012 3º Mejor oficina de datos
2011 3º Mejor oficina de datos
2010 3º Mejor oficina de datos
All the variables analyzed were grouped into six management areas. Next, the evolution of each one will be detailed. At the end of the document are the justifications for the variables selected in each case.
Variables evolution
The goal of health is for the population to live as many years and as healthy as possible. For this reason, we chose to take into account these three variables that specifically measure this: the need for medical care, life expectancy and infant mortality.
Enfermedades de declaración obligatoria cada 100.000 habitantes 2015-2018
No hay datos publicados por parte del Ayuntamiento sobre ninguna de las otras dos variables que componen el área de salud.
Currently education is essential to improve the quality of life, so the lack of it, either in people without any type of education or with only a complete primary level, is a central limitation in the development of people. On the other hand, higher studies were taken into account since with the advancement of information and technology, the specification of knowledge becomes essential.
La ciudad de Valencia mide la población según estudios mayor a 18 años.
Población con primaria incompleta, tasa cada cien mil habitantes 2013-2018
Población con bachillerato-ESO, tasa cada cien mil habitantes 2014-2018
No hay datos publicados por parte del Ayuntamiento sobre ninguna de las otras cuatro variables que componen el área de educación.
La seguridad consiste en poder vivir sin miedo, tanto a ser asesinado como a ser herido. Poder transitar con la tranquilidad de que nadie ni nada pone en riesgo su integridad física ni su bienes materiales.
Death from road accidents 2014-2017 rate per one hundred thousand inhabitants
Criminality evolution 2014-2019 rate per thousand inhabitants
Homicides evolution 2014-2019 rate per one hundred thousand inhabitants
Variables that measure people's economy have been chosen. The rest of the data produced by the government in this section are important to understand the phenomenon at a global level but do not reflect personal situations. For example, the gross product of a city can grow at the same time that unemployment increases or poverty increases.
Unemployment evolution 2014-2019
Renta media, no hay datos publicados por el Ayuntamiento.
Tasa riesgo pobreza 2012-2018
In this item, all the existing variables that measure the state of the environment in which we live were taken, in order to establish its evolution over time.
The variables to be surveyed are the following: green spaces, road trees, generation of garbage per inhabitant, percentage of recycled garbage, noise and air pollution.
Cantidad de kilogramos de basura generada por habitante 2009-2018
Porcentaje de recolección selectiva sobre el total de basura 2009-2018
Arbolado viario, cantidad cada mil habitantes 2010-2018
Cantidad de espacio verde por habitante medido en metros cuadrados 2010-2018
Depending on the level of development of each city, the growth in the supply of certain public services such as paved blocks may be limited by the physical restriction to continue increasing their services. The main challenge in this area is undoubtedly the production of renewable energy, both for its collaboration with the environment and for its sustainability and economic future.
Puntos de luz cada mil habitantes 2009-2018
Kilómetros de alcantarillado cada mil habitantes 2009-2018
Currently, cities produce a large amount of data related to management, with a level of detail and segmentation that is important for officials who must prepare diagnoses and solutions, but not necessarily relevant for citizens who focus on results.
To cite just one example, there is the possibility of accessing information on not only the number of people who were ill during the year, but also what type of illnesses they were, in what areas of the city they live, etc. This degree of detail is of utmost importance when developing public policies aimed at preventing diseases. But what citizens are asking is how efficient their officials are at reducing diseases. It is for this reason that we focus on variables that measure global results only.
Another valid clarification has to do with the fact that each city is comparable with itself and with the data it offers; among the data that governments produce we choose the important ones, surely there could be other interesting data that are not being officially released.