Management competition
Blancp CP seeks to highlight the most positive efforts of each year. Assessing the work they have carried out will allow us to know who is obtaining the best results in global terms and in each particular area, being able to detect references and applied public policies that may be of help to other municipalities.
Para logar dicho objetivo se elaboró un indicador entre los 15 Ayuntamientos más poblados de España: Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Córdoba, Gijón, Las Palmas, Madrid, Málaga, Murcia, Palma, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Vigo y Zaragoza, en función al desempeño anual experimentado en 24 variables seleccionadas de áreas como Salud, Seguridad, Economía, Educación, Medio ambiente e Infraestructura.
It is worth clarifying that the statistical reports are published several months after the end of the year: the latest data corresponds to 2018, the 2019 data will be published by the City Councils in October 2020.
The following table shows the final positions of each City Council, clarifying that the more it stores at zero, the better the management.
Competition 2018

History 2018-2014
1º Madrid
2º Valencia
3º Barcelona
4º Córdoba
1º Madrid
2º Valencia
3º Barcelona
4º Murcia
1º Madrid
2º Barcelona
3º Valencia
4º Murcia
1º Madrid
2º Valencia
3º Barcelona
4º Murcia
1º Madrid
2º Valencia
3º Barcelona
4º Murcia
Result by variable
By entering each of the following areas, you can access the detail of the results in each of the 24 variables studied.
Comparison between 15 cities, taking 3 axes as indices: Infant mortality, Life expectancy and Number of sick people.
Comparison between 15 cities, taking 3 axes as indices: Homicide rate, Crime rate and Road accidents.
Comparison between 15 cities, taking 3 axes as indices: Unemployment, Income and Poverty.
Comparison between 15 cities, taking 6 axes as indices: No studies - No elementary - Middle school - High school - University - Postgraduate
Comparison between 15 cities, taking 6 axes as indices: Amount of waste, Recycling, Trees, Green spaces, Sound and air pollution.
Comparison between 15 cities, taking 3 axes as indices: Renewable energies, Lighting and Sewerage system.
The selection of the 15 most populous cities in Spain and no more, arises from the need to establish categories that give equality in competition. It would be unfair to compare asymmetric localities, given that, for example, reducing the homicide rate in a town of 2,500 inhabitants is not the same challenge as doing it in a city of 2 million inhabitants.
For this we have selected a total of 24 variables that make up different aspects of the management of each city. In each one of them the Town Halls have a different position, being first the one that had the best performance that year. The detail of the results by variable can be found in the upper section where they are presented divided into six areas.
To obtain a final result that serves as a reference to assess the management as a whole, we have added all the positions obtained in the 24 variables and we have divided them by the total of variables. In the cases where the Municipalities did not measure the 24 variables or do not have published data, for each unmeasured variable one has been added, since not having data on an area is worse than having a negative data.