The main problem of districts is the incapacity to address their problems in viewof the fact that they lack systematized statistical data that help them to define these problems.
There exist statistics at a national and international level; at a county level the statistical data is scarce, and at a district level there is not statistical data at all.
Since the ones in charge of district functions do not have statistical data, they dedicate to solve problems instead of preventing them and by trying to address the problems, since they do not have and objective and scientific diagnosis of the issues involved, people in charge are led by feelings, assumptions and subjectivities which entail, in many cases, an incorrect and wrongful solution that not only does not help solving the problem but may indeed generate new difficulties.
As long as no data base with all the necessary and properly processed information about the cities exists, the problems would not be prevented. Problems will constantly be dealt with as they arise and as long as they are evident enough and their existence can be noticed with mere common sense. However, which is the purpose of reaching this instance? When a problem becomes obvious, it is because it has already caused discomfort in the citizens. Not only did it cause discomfort, but the solution presented does not solve the problem since it is created based on an incorrect diagnosis, which generally confuses the effects with the causes, tackling the effects but not modifying the cause that generated the problem and the other effects that will generate in the future if the problem is not sorted out from the root.
The more accurate the diagnoses, the more efficient the management.
Therefore, it is essential that each district have a Department of Statistics, where all the data of the city shall be contained and analyzed in order to identify shortcomings, tendencies and to prevent future problems, etc. Otherwise, how does a city know, for example, the number of unemployed people, its characteristics, ages, sex, level of instruction, family situation, etc the city has? This is fundamental in order to know what type of work is needed and consequently what kind of companies must be encouraged to settled in the city. If there is no objective data that allows analysis and comparisons, then every argument becomes subjective and therefore opinions rather than realities are shared.
It is important to have a district Department of Statistics, but independent; composed of personnel elected after a selection procedure and whose promotions are made by merits. These are necessary requisites for the data to be reliable, since, firstly, it is a task that requires personnel with academic studies and specific preparation for that subject matter, and secondly, since they do not depend on the government in power, personnel have greater freedom of work and trust in the results they publish, for it is known that in statistics data may be merged and analyzed intentionally to show whatever is wanted to be shown. Thus, it is important to understand that the function of this department is helping the district administration in the prevention and solution of problems, and not benefiting or harming the mayor.
Once this area is operating, it will be possible to analyze impartially which are the results of each administration, and all the interpretations and partial visions as regards the performance of the different governments shall be completed.
Statistics is a fundamental tool for the administration of any government, as it provides objective and specific data about different issues.