Nowadays, we are used to the existence of supranational organizations, such as regional, continental and even world unions. In those unions, the nation states group with each other in order to obtain benefits as a result of their participation. Even though these kinds of unions have spread in the last few years thanks to the positive results they have obtained, the unions have not been imitated by the sub national organizations.
When we refer to sub national organizations, we are specifically referring to districts.These districts were not aware of how these supranational bodies have developed in the past and the benefits they have gained, with the aim of adapting these kinds of unions to their level, which is local.
That is, create sub-national organizations, which group municipalities with common objectives. instead cities acting independently, each city starts working in cooperation with other cities. As well as nations join to reach objectives that otherwise they could not reach alone, districts should do the same.
If a group of cities with common factors and objectives gather, they broaden their possibilities to reach their desired goals. When a group of cities that share the same roads, railway lines, electric conveyor, electric distributor, basin water, gas distributor, judicial department, constituency, professional association, etc, get together they can boost exponentially their development.
When districts are organized as regional unions, districts can complement with each other and specialized to grow rapidly and complete. . First, it must be evaluated to which district you must join; these districts must have enough characteristics in common so as to have objectives in common. Once the localities have been selected, carry out an exhaustive diagnosis of each city, where all its characteristics, strengths and weaknesses are detailed. From having the different diagnoses, it is possible to compare them in order to know what function each of them can best develop within this regional union. Once this is done, planning begins how the growth of this region should be, so that it is a complementary development and that opportunities are maximized. Giving each locality the objectives that best suit its characteristics and that at the same time are objectives that complement those of the other associated municipalities.
Currently, each city seeks for its own progress separated from the rest, not only independently but even contrarily to the rest of the cities.. Currently each city seeks its progress in isolation from the rest, not only independently of the others but even in the opposite way. Because under the current logic, one sees what another municipality gains as what one lost, when instead of dividing, what could be done is to add.
Acting jointly, not in the name of one city but in the name of various organized cities, better results may be accomplished: as regards national, international and even county administration. Acting as a fully integrated zone, in which each city owns different things from the others, makes this zone a strong and developed one.
By keeping cities separate from each other, they will never be able to achieve significant progress. If we take into account, for example, that in the province of Buenos Aires, the most populated in Argentina, 77.4% of the cities have less than 100,000 inhabitants. How can these be developed in topics as different as education, health, industry, science and technology, commerce, etc? It is essential that they are grouped and that each city to focus on developing those activities which is better prepared for, getting in this way higher results, concentrating all its efforts in a limited quantity of tasks. So, while a city that, due to its own demographic and infrastructure characteristics has greater advantages for the establishment of industries focuses on that, other city focuses on developing a technological scientific chicken, and other city focuses on the health area, other city focuses on education, bringing universities, institutes, etc, each of these cities will be complete together with the rest of the cities.