
Technology applied to the administration

Technology = effectiveness + efficiency

The utilization of technology in the public management turns it more effective and efficient.

As well as the private sector is aware of the advances of technology in order to apply them in its activities and in this way reduce costs and improve its productivity, public sector should do the same.

Taking into account the economic resources that governments have, they are always limited in comparison with the demands that governments must face, together with the way in which their actions deeply and comprehensibly influence the social life more than any private company; it is an obligation for the governments to make a correct allocation of resources. technology represents one of the best investments in which a government can allocate its money. Not only because the application of the advances of the technique means an improvement in the quality of life of the people, but also its application generates savings for the State. Of course, like any investment, it initially generates an expense, but it is an expense that pays off in a short time.

 If we think of a public management that instead of serving the public 8 hours a day it serves 24, without the need for the citizen to go to the department but allowing him/her to deal with administrative procedures from home, and all this with no incorporation of more personnel, the service improves. Less time and money is required to the citizen and less time is required to the administrative personnel who can use that time to develop other tasks.

For example, if the platform that allows to measure the energy consumption real-time is available to the population, every person will know how much she/he is consuming and consequently how much he/she can save, resulting in a decrease of energy consumption. This implies not only an economic saving for consumers, but also a better service since consumers will not be victims of energy collapses due to higher levels of consumption.

In short, the list of examples is very broad, I could enumerate the benefits on education, traffic, health, security, etc. However, what must be understood is that Investing in acquiring technology is not a luxury that only wealthy companies can afford. Furthermore, it is the societies most in need that most urgently require investment in technology, because it is these communities that cannot afford to squander their scarce resources. A society with high per capita income can have money and time to access health care, education, carry out paperwork, and so on. But the more humble a society and therefore its State, the more efficient and effective it must be to make a correct allocation of its scarce resources. Technology is the tool that will allow the State and the citizens to save time and money.

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