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Servicios - Blanco Consultoría Política


We work with local governments, universities and organizations interested in transforming the quality of life in cities, through better local public management. The objective is to advise those who have the function of managing a community and have the commitment and will to increase the positive result of public policies, investigating their concerns, problems and challenges to generate real high-impact solutions through different tools.

Research projects

Participation in research projects collaborating with Universities, Fundations, Non-governmental Organizations and Public Organizations.

Specific jobs such as: surveys, public opinion studies and data collection.

We are also part of long-term research teams, contributing to writing, data analysis, job monitoring and other necessary tasks.


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External advice

An external advisor can also be called a political consultant, except that the latter term is closely associated with electoral advice, it is aimed at improving management. That is why the concept of external advisor is more useful to express the task of assisting officials in their daily management tasks. Helping to challenge government actions from outside, identifying and strengthening the main critical points of management, while suggesting specific action plans for different areas of government.


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Municipal Data Office

Guide for the implementation and start-up of a Municipal Data Office. In addition to having support from the consulting team during the different stages of the process.

The Municipal Data Office allows the comprehensive management of public data through the processing of all relevant information generated within a city, both from areas that depend on local government and from those that do not, making analysis possible subsequent and the preparation of reports that are delivered periodically to the different sectors of the administration. In this way, officials obtain a real diagnosis of the state of the situation that allows them to take the measures aimed at solving the challenges that arise and anticipate possible conflicts.


Step-by-step guide and support from the consulting team in its implementation.


Step-by-step guide and support from the consulting team in its implementation.

In terms of Public Opinion, we carry out ad hoc and systematic qualitative and quantitative studies for clients in the public, private and third sector sectors. Face-to-face, telephone and CAWI surveys, with public and private databases.

Blanco Consultoría Política is registered in the Register of Opinion Polls and Polls Companies, belonging to the National Electoral Chamber and works in strict compliance with the international codes that regulate the activity, formulated by ESOMAR, to which SAIMO (Sociedad Argentina de Investigadores) adheres. Market and Opinion). This includes protocols for confidentiality, anonymity and good practices.


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Telephone surveys

Online surveys

Political poll

Management survey

Satisfaction surveys

Work environment survey

Surveys for companies

Electoral polls

Telephone surveys

Online surveys

Political poll

Management survey

Satisfaction surveys

Work environment survey

Surveys for companies

Electoral polls


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Specific advice

On many occasions those responsible for carrying out the administration of government find problems and challenges difficult to solve and need external advice. For these particular cases we have the professional team that can attend and plan work strategies in order to solve the different problems. Instrumenting the necessary tools, from surveys and data processing to comparative applied policy reports and the investigation of the latest technology and work methodology existing by local governments to cover the issue in question, thus being able to offer officials various alternatives to confront the challenge posed.


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