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Nowadays, to measure the wealth of a country it is no longer taken into consideration only its economy, but it is used what is known as Global Capital of wealth produced.
As well as the private sector is aware of the advances of technology in order to apply them in its activities and in this way reduce costs and improve its productivity, public sector should do the same.
Statistics is a fundamental tool for the administration of any government, since it provides objective and specific data about different subject matters.
Previous to the General Elections on October, 25, they show a clear polarization between “Frente Mercedino para la Victoria” and “Cambiemos”, leaving the “Frente Renovador” and “Frente de Izquierda” out of competition for intent .
The results obtained show a clear positioning of two political forces (FPV) and (PRO) facing the PASO that will be celebrated in August, above the rest of the options.
Nowadays, when we refer to public health we still think of hospitals, health centres, major awareness campaigns, etc. But this way of understanding the functioning and the actions of the public health corresponds to a reality that has changed.